diumenge, 26 de juliol del 2015

The end.

These days in Ireland have been perfect, the time have gone very fast and we have had a lot of fun!                                          
All the activities have been amazing, from the simplest one, the cinema, to the best one, going to Dublin.
We have learn a lot of English but also we have learned how to play golf, gaelic football and basketball, how to dance ceili dancing and how to do surfing , pottery and biking.
In the free time we have gone to the shopping center and last weekend to the Arklow Seabreeze Festival to see and do different activities, like, the pig race, a Smack Down demostration, we went to the attractions and to the eating ice-cream competition. In this competition, Yassin, a boy of our group won ten euros.
These days we have met a lot of people from other countries and also from here.
We had the best days here! We want to come back next year!
Written by: Laia & Maria

Aquests dies a Irlanda han sigut perfectes, el temps ha passat molt de pressa i ens ho hem passat molt bé.
Totes les activitats han sigut fantàstiques des de les més senzilles com el cinema com la millor: l'anada a Dublin.
Hem après molt anglès però a més a més, hem fet surf, fútbol, dança, ceràmica i moltes activitats.
En el temps lliure hem anat al centre comercial i el cap de setmana passat vam anar al Sea Breeze Festival, on en Yassin va guanyar el concurs de menjar gelats.
Aquests dies hem conegut molta gent d'altres països i també d'aquí.
Hem passat els millors dies i l'any vinent volem tornar.
Laia i Maria 

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